How Are Tax Refunds Affected In A Bankruptcy?

Category: Personal Bankruptcy (110) comments

personal-bankruptcy-income-tax-returnOne asset that is affected by a personal bankruptcy is income tax refunds.  The law requires that Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) send the trustee income tax refunds for specific years so that the refund can be included in the proceeds available to the creditors.

Let’s consider three different periods of time:

Years prior to filing bankruptcy

If there are unfiled tax returns for years prior to your bankruptcy, your bankruptcy trustee will ensure that the tax return is filed with CRA.  CRA will send the refund to your trustee. If there is an amount owing on the tax return, it becomes a debt that is dealt with as part of your personal bankruptcy.

Year that bankruptcy is filed

Any refunds for the year in which bankruptcy is filed are sent to your trustee from CRA.

There are two tax returns for this time period: a PRE-bankruptcy and a POST-bankruptcy tax return.

  • The pre-bankruptcy tax return dates from January 1st to the date that you file bankruptcy. If there is a tax debt for this period it becomes part of your bankruptcy.  If there is a refund, it is sent to the trustee.
  • The post-bankruptcy tax return begins from the date of bankruptcy to December 31st of that year. If there is an amount owing for this post period, it will need to be paid by you because it is a new debt after bankruptcy was filed. If there is a refund, it will be sent to the trustee.
  • Pre and post returns are filed by your bankruptcy trustee.

Years after bankruptcy filed

Any tax years after your bankruptcy has started are not affected by bankruptcy. If there is a refund for these years, you will receive it. If there is an amount owing for that year, you are required to pay that amount.

Canadian Child Tax Benefits will continue to be received by you as normal during a personal bankruptcy as they are considered  to be part of your income and not an asset like a tax refund.  This can apply to some provincial credits as well.

If you’re considering personal bankruptcy as a debt solution, contact a local trustee in bankruptcy to find out more about how your tax refunds might be affected.

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  1. Ashleigh

    My partner and I have been living together for less than a year. He is 11 months into a 21 month bankruptcy.
    We will likely be common law by the end of the tax year.
    I am disabled and receive a refund.
    Will that refund be sent to the trustee?

    1. Ted Michalos

      If you have not personally filed for bankruptcy then no one has a right to seize your tax refund. Unless you owe the government money yourself, it should be safe.

  2. Lauren

    My understanding is, that once a trustee is discharged from my bankruptcy, the bankruptcy file is closed and eliminates the debts permanently. This all took place and then I was diagnosed and qualified for the Disability Tax Credit for prior years, including the bankruptcy years. Are these refunds the trustee’s, even though me and the trustee has been discharged.
    Thank you

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Lauren. This is a question you should ask your trustee, because they have the complete facts in your situation.

      In general, any tax refunds for any years prior to and including the year of bankruptcy are assets of the bankruptcy estate, and Canada Revenue Agency will send them directly to your trustee, even if you and your trustee have been discharged. It’s not something under the trustee’s direct control. CRA will send all prior year’s refunds directly to the trustee.

  3. Sue A

    I have a client who filed bankruptcy in 2014 the trustee filed his 2014 & 2015 taxes. My question is can I efile his 2016 tax return? He said his trustee told him he must mail it, is he right?


    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Sue. Yes, if the bankruptcy occurred in 2014, you should be able to efile his 2016 tax return.

      In the year of bankruptcy there are two tax returns filed (a pre and post bankruptcy return), and since CRA’s systems are not set up for efiling of bankruptcy tax returns at least one of those returns must be mailed to CRA, but for the years after bankruptcy e-filing is available, because they are returns for a full calendar year.

  4. Nicole

    Every year I would claim the disabilty tax credit for my dependant. I filled for bankrupty and canada revenue agency put that amount without my consent…did they have the right to claim that amount?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Without full information of your situation I can’t answer that question. I would suggest you ask for a full explanation from your trustee, and/or ask CRA for an explanation of how your deductions were handled.

  5. Christine

    When we file for bankruptcy there is an amount calculated that we owe. Does any tax return go toward that amount? For example, my amount was approx $5000. My return was $1200. Will that $1200 be put toward the $5000? Thank you.

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Christine. When you file bankruptcy, CRA sends your tax refund for the year of bankruptcy (and any prior years) to the trustee, and the trustee distributes any remaining funds to the creditors. Your trustee can explain the exact math in your situation, but in general, yes, a portion of your tax refund goes to the creditors.

  6. Sylvia d.

    I am 5 months into my bankruptcy and am getting ready to file my taxes. I am common law and have been told I have to file my taxes together with my common law spouse as we have lived together for over 12 months. I’m wondering if the trustees will take the return my common law spouse is entitled to or if they will only take what I would get personally?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Sylvia. Your trustee will need both your tax information and your spouse’s income to file the taxes, but your trustee will not actually file your spouse’s taxes, and your trustee will not get your spouse’s tax refund. You only lose your tax refund this year, not your spouse’s. Hope that helps.

  7. Tony

    Hi I have 2 months left in bankruptcy, I already had pre and post bankruptcy completed I had to do 21 months because of a Jeep payment so I only owe bankruptcy 800 dollars and I’m discharged. So I’m supposed to get a refund from taxes this year but it’s a hold on my refund because I’m not discharged from bankruptcy… will they send my refund to bankruptcy to pay off what I owe then send me out the difference? Thanks

    1. Ted Michalos

      You need to speak to your trustee about this. Normally, any tax refunds for the second year of a bankruptcy are paid to you – not to your trustee for your creditors. If you want the refund to be paid to your trustee they will need to send something to CRA to have the funds redirected. This is not usually done.

  8. Ashley R

    A couple years ago I filed for bankruptcy and have since been discharged. I recently unearthed a stack of lost medical receipts from that tax year. If I request a refile of my taxes for that year so I can claim these receipts, will I receive the refund, or will it be taken away even though I have been discharged from my bankruptcy for a couple of years?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Ashley. If there is a refund for a tax year before or during your bankruptcy, the refund will go to the trustee for distribution to your creditors. You can discuss this with your trustee to confirm the timing and dates.

  9. Brenda

    A husband declares bankruptcy and trustee submits post bankruptcy taxes for income. Husband and wife separate in mid December and wife now doing taxes. Does wife need to include spouses income when completing her taxes and would she state separated or married but separated for less than 90 days?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Brenda. The separated spouse will file her taxes as separated, since that was her status at the end of the year. To ensure the taxes are filed correctly it would be prudent to consult with an experienced tax preparation person.

  10. Andrew

    I noticed that last year when my trustee filed my pre/post bankruptcy tax returns, the refund was about double what I usually get when I file…. Obviously circumstances change from year to year somewhat, but would the larger refund be connected to the bankruptcy?

    1. Ted Michalos

      It should not be – trustees file tx returns based o the information that you provide. I do know that last year CRA had a “bug” in their filing system that caused CRA to send larger than usual refunds. They are in the process of going back and cleaning them up. Unfortunately, CRA hasn’t fixed the bug so we expect the same problem this year…

  11. Heather

    Hi there, I filed for bankruptcy in 2018 and was discharged after 9 months, the trustee did my taxes for 2017 and got my refund as well as my 2018 taxes, I know that they get my refund and I get my tax credits but my question is; will it take as long to process this year since this is the second time my taxes have been done by the trustee?

    1. Ted Michalos

      If you filed in 2018 the trustee is required to file 2 tax returns for you, the PRE return (the part of the year before you filed) and the POST (the part of the year after you filed). These returns are processed by a subset of CRA officers and yes, they take much longer to be assessed. Sorry, but it is a function of the number of people CRA assigns to PRE and POST bankruptcy returns.

  12. Tiwaz

    Car loan: 22,000
    Student Loan: 22,000
    Credit card debts: 13,000

    My life spiraled out of control in summer of 2018. I may be filing for bankruptcy pretty soon.

    My guess is that I will lose the car (Only way to get to work and home). And I was hoping to use my income tax return to get a used car for next year. Will that still be possible?

    1. Ted Michalos

      If you maintain the payments on your car loan then you should be able to keep your car, if you want to. If you don’t want to keep the car then you may definitely include the car loan in a bankruptcy if you give them back the car. I suggest you find a licenced insolvency trustee in your area and give them a call. You have options, but you need to speak to someone to find out what they may be.

  13. ewa l.

    I filed bankruptcy in April this year 2019. I did my taxes in july and it says my 2018 refund was sent to my trustee which was approximately 1800 My question is If i get discharged by the end of this year will my 2019 tax refund be also seized by the bankruptcy trustee or will i be able to receive it

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      If you file bankruptcy you automatically lose your tax refund for the year of bankruptcy, and all prior years. So if you filed bankruptcy in April 2019, you lose your tax refund for 2018 and 2019. So, for people expecting a tax refund, we generally recommend that you file last year’s taxes and get the refund before filing bankruptcy, so that you only lose your tax refund for one year, not two if possible.

  14. Melinda Spearing

    Hi I have a common law spouse who is approved for the disability tax credit however I am the one who has to claim it and have been fighting for the funds because of my bankruptsy. I wrote to the superintendant and pleaded with them to not take his payment he had nothing to do with my bankruptsy and he has suffered so much due to his illness. I went in to the bankruptsy mentally ill I have not kept my end of the contract and they still refused. Now i am assuming I no longer have my trustee as yet I haven’t heard. I can not accept this we both are in dire need as neither of us are working. Is there other avenues to help us ?

    1. Ted Michalos

      If you failed to complete your duties during your bankruptcy to the point that your trustee closed your file then you can either (1) convince the trustee to re-open the file, or (2) apply to the Court for your discharge (you will likely need a lawyer to do this). The first question the Court will ask is whether or not you completed all of your duties… It is a mess, with no easy way to sort itself out. Eventually, to be discharged you will need to complete all of the required duties, then argue with the Court that the tax refund should not be taken. Sorry, there is no easy way to do this.

  15. Jenny

    Hey Doug & Ted,

    My husband has just filed bankruptcy and I’m wondering about what happens to my tax returns. Is this considered surplus income for that month? I usually receive about $5000 on average back per year.

    1. Ted Michalos

      The refund for the year you file for bankruptcy and any prior years will be sent to your trustee for the benefit of your creditors. This will happen no matter when you are entitled to the disability credit. If you wit until your bankruptcy is over and apply then, CRA will still send any refunds for the year you filed for bankruptcy and any prior years to your trustee.

  16. steve m

    Was recently discharged, and afterwards filed 6 yrs back taxes. Received the GST portion of my return today. I thought it all went to trustee.

    Is GST return exempt or will I get lucky and receive the rest of it as well?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Generally GST is exempt, but it all depends on what is in CRA’s computer. Presumably any tax refunds will be sent to your trustee, so I would suggest confirming your CRA status directly with your trustee.

  17. Gail D.

    Hello, I filed for bankruptcy December 2018. I have to do 21 months. If there is a refund on my taxes for 2019 will I get it or does the trustee get it. Also will the amount of allowed income go up for 2020. My mortgage was renewed so payments went up and insurance went up and money is getting tighter.
    Thank you

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Gail. As a general rule you lose your tax refund for the year of bankruptcy (2018 in your case) but not subsequent years, so you will likely receive your 2019 tax refund. The surplus income limits for 2020 will be announced around March 2020; your trustee can advise you of the specific numbers.

  18. john

    yes I filled bankrupty and on my post tax return there was 13000 that came back to my trust will that be taken off the amount I was required to pay to the trust or do that go on the past debt I had before the bankruptcy

    1. Ted Michalos

      Your post-bankruptcy tax refund is considered an “asset” that your trustee receives for the benefit of your creditors. It cannot be applied to any other amounts you may be required to pay for your bankruptcy. Unfortunately, that is not how the law works…

  19. Tracy

    If I file bankruptcy for let’s say 15,000 and I apply for disability tax credit which a lump sum payment is 20,000 will the trustee give me the 5000 difference or they keep the full 20000?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Tracy. That’s a complicated question because it depends on the period involved, and the law keeps changing, so this is a question you should ask your trustee. If there is a chance that you will get a big tax credit a bankruptcy may not be necessary.

  20. Andy

    We filed bankruptcy in September of 2018. Reading through the comments I understand that I will receive the tax refund when I file my 2019 taxes. Will I need to report this on my income statement and submit 1/2 of it if I’m over the allowable income amount?

  21. Ash

    I claimed bankruptcy in June 2018, for the 9 months. However I have not been discharged, will I be allowed to claim my own taxes or will they take my income for years to come until discharge?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Ash. You should contact your trustee to find out why you are not discharged, and they can explain what will happen with your taxes. Typically the trustee files taxes for the year of bankruptcy (2018 for you), so typically you would file your taxes for 2019, but if you are not discharged you may have issues with CRA releasing your refund, so a discussion with your trustee is your first step.

  22. jean l.

    Hi I claimed bankruptcy on September 2019 and my discharge will be September 2020
    If I start working after the tax return will i be cleared for 2020 tax refund when I file in February 2021

  23. Karen Jane

    I’m a little confused at what time frame is considered “in-bankruptcy”. A trustee filed my friend’s 2018 tax return(s). This same friend has a discharge date of March 5, 2020 but his trustee is telling him to file his own 2019 income tax return. Is 2019 not considered “in-bankruptcy” for him?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      The trustee files the tax return for the year of bankruptcy, not the year after filing, so since your friend filed in 2018, the trustee filed 2018, and your friend will file their own taxes for 2019.

  24. Traci

    Hello. My daughter filed for bankruptcy in January 2019 and was discharged September 2019. Her trustee did her 2018 taxes and kept her refund but said she has to do her 2019 taxes. Does she get to keep her 2019 refund. Thank you

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Traci. You lose your tax refund for the year of bankruptcy, so since your daughter filed bankruptcy in 2019, she loses her tax refund for 2019, even though she is already discharged. That’s why very few people go bankrupt in January or February if they expect a big tax refund; they lose their tax refund for the previous year, because it hasn’t been filed yet, and for the current year (the year of bankruptcy). Often people will file their taxes, get the refund, and then go bankrupt in March or April. Of course waiting is not always an option; if wages are at risk of garnishment it may not be possible to wait until you get a tax refund.

  25. Juliana

    My husband filedfor bankruptcy on Aug 2018, and got discharge on June 2019 , he did his 2020 income tax , who will get the refunds?

  26. Magda

    Hi, my husband and I had bankruptcy in October 2018, the trustee made our taxes (pre and post bankruptcy 2018) so, I got the discharge 9 months after but, my husband has to pay until July 2020 to get his discharge. Now, we have to file our taxes together for 2019 and, we want to buy RRSP before March 01 to used in our tax return. Is it possible buy RRSP under my husband name?

  27. Maria Dennhardt

    I filed for bankruptcy In Sept 2018 for 21 months. My last year taxes (pre and post bankruptcy 2018) were filed by my trustee, however I need to file this time for 2019. Will I be able to keep the refund (if i am receiving one) if I file my income tax and it is processed after my discharge date in June? Or will it go to my creditors regardless of when CRA receives it because I am in bankruptcy at the time of filing?

    1. Ted Michalos

      Neither your creditors nor your trustee have a right to your 2019 refunds – unless you specifically signed a form giving it to them. If you had a debt with CRA before you filed for bankruptcy then CRA may not release your refund until you have been discharged. This is a CRA policy and there is nothing your trustee can do about it… If you had government debts that survive your bankruptcy (student loans for example) then your refund might be redirected to them. If you have any such debts you should call your trustee to discuss what may happen.

  28. John Liebs

    Yes, I know that in the year of bankruptcy CRA sends any refunds to the trustee. But I live in Quebec and I spoke to the person in the Bankruptcy Division of Revenue Quebec and she stated that they always sent the refund cheque or direct deposit to the taxpayer; NOT THE TRUSTEE.

    So then , does the Trustee have any claim on my provincial refund and if so, how does he access the money ??

    1. Ted Michalos

      Sorry John, but I am not familiar with Revenue Quebec’s policies and procedures. If they send a refund directly to you I suggest you contact your trustee and ask them if you are allowed to keep it, if you have to declare it as income on your monthly report, or if you are supposed to send it to your trustee.

  29. John Liebs

    when determining the average of the first 7 months revenue while in bankruptcy, does the trustee take just the revenue or might he also include for example.. medical expenses and net it out?

    Yes, for monthly surplus calculations we know that medical is to be deducted but not 100% sure for the average of the 7 months.


  30. John Liebs

    it is well known that CRA sends any tax refund to the trustee for the year of bankruptcy.However, say for example your paperwork is prepared on February 1 2020. Your date of liberation should be 9 months hence (assuming a 9 month bankruptcy) October31. If such is the case, then November and December are post liberation. So then , why should the taxpayer receive a part of the pro rata refund (i.e. November/December?)
    That is the logic but is logic thrown out and the statute holds in a case like this?

    John Liebs

  31. John Liebman

    it is well known that CRA sends any tax refund to the trustee for the year of bankruptcy.However, say for example your paperwork is prepared on February 1 2020. Your date of liberation should be 9 months hence (assuming a 9 month bankruptcy) October31. If such is the case, then November and December are post liberation. So then , why should the taxpayer receive a part of the pro rata refund (i.e. November/December?)
    That is the logic but is logic thrown out and the statute holds in a case like this?

    John Liebs

    1. Ted Michalos

      Correct – the government has simply stated that any refunds for the year a person files for personal bankruptcy and any/all prior years will be paid to the trustee for the benefit of the person’s unsecured creditors.

  32. Barbara E.

    I am in bankruptcy and will be discharged July 2021. Do I have to mail my taxes for 2020 or can I e file. Do you continue to get GIS payments if you are in bankruptcy?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Barbara. These are questions you should ask your trustee, because they are most familiar with your file. In general, the trustee files your taxes for the year of bankruptcy, and you file your taxes for all future years, using the same method as everyone else, so e-filing is generally fine. Your income is not impacted by bankruptcy, so if you are eligible for GIS you would continue to receive them.

  33. Joey

    If I had filed for bankruptcy in November 2018 and was discharged in August 2019, can I File. My own taxes for the 2019 year?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Joey. Yes, your trustee will file your taxes for the year of bankruptcy (2018 in your case) and all prior years, but you can and should file your taxes for all subsequent years, including 2019.

  34. Denise

    I filed for Bankruptcy Feb of 2020 and had not filed my income tax for 6 years prior to this. The trustee filed all my income tax. Are they eligible for all of those years or just the one year prior?

    1. Ted Michalos

      Your bankrupt estate is entitled to any/all tax refunds for the year you file and all previous years. So if you hadn’t filed for 6 years and you end up receiving refunds for those years they will be sent to your trustee for the benefit of your unsecured creditors.

      If your trustee doesn’t file all of those returns (for some reason) and you go back and file them after you bankruptcy is over the refunds will still be sent to your trustee. It is simply the way the law is written.

  35. Jane

    My bankruptcy will be discharged July 1, 2021. I just received a refund from my 2020 tax return. Do I have to claim my tax refund as income on my monthly report and therefore they will take half of my refund as surplus income?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      It depends when you filed bankruptcy. If you filed bankruptcy in 2020, the tax refund is an asset of your estate, and the entire refund goes to your trustee. I suggest you discuss it with your trustee, who will be familiar with your situation.

  36. Katherine

    I filed for bankruptcy April 1 2019 and have been discharged January 3, 2021, I have to file my income tax, can i net file or do I have to mail in my tax return and will the refund come to me?

  37. John

    Hello, thanks for this informative website and for your response to comments and inquiries. I hope you can help me out please. I filed for Bankruptcy for the first time in August 2019 but was extended to 21 months due to Surplus Income. I will tentatively be discharged on May 2021 (my 21st month). My trustee filed my taxes for tax year 2019 (year when I filed for bankruptcy) and any refunds were sent to them to be included in my estate. I was told however that I should file taxes for tax year 2020 on my own. Can I use e-filling tax software (Turbotax) for year 2020 even if I have not yet been discharged? Am I eligible to keep the tax refund from tax year 2020 or will it also go to my estate/ creditors as in tax year 2019? If the tax refund for 2020 tax year will not be taken by the trustee and is now for me to keep, will the 2020 tax year tax refund be considered/ included as income as I usually report in my monthly budget/ statements? If it is to be included as income, what happens if the tax refund for year 2020 payable to me will cause me to exceed total surplus income limits towards the end of my 21 month bankruptcy? (On average for the past 21 months, my income is just below the prescribed surplus income limit and I believe if we include the tax refund for 2020 as income then I will have surplus income again). Thank you and hope to hear from you.

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi John. The short answer is that yes, you can file your 2020 taxes in the normal way; it is only your taxes for the year of bankruptcy (2019) that are impacted. In general that tax refund is not included in your income so it should not be an issue, but I would suggest that you discuss this with your trustee, since they have all of the details of your case I would not want to give you a final answer without knowing all of your individual circumstances.

  38. Katherine

    Hello! It is my 2nd bankruptcy. Last year, they kept my income tax return as usual, but this year I was able to keep it. The only thing is that now I learned they will calculate my income tax return as a surplus income. How do they usually calculate this ? Since it is a lump sum, do they divide it in 12 months to make the calculation ? I received quite a large amount of income tax return and I’m scared it will increased significantly my monthly payments that have to be recalculated in June. I sent messages to the person in charge of my file, but she did not answer my question. Thank you!

    1. Ted Michalos

      You need to have your trustee’s office confirm this, BUT they should be averaging your income before they calculate your actual surplus obligation. Since this is your second bankruptcy they won’t do the averaging until month 22. The advantage of averaging is that when you have a month with a large lumpsum (like a tax refund) it ends up being spread over the entire time line, not just the one month. Usually that dramatically reduces the surplus obligation.

  39. Deanne Koehn

    So my partners trustee did his 2020 income taxes. For 2020 he was employed. We started our bankruptcy in March and were discharged in December. The info we got from the trustee was he had received a refund which goes to the trustee. But when we got the record of assessment from CRA, it says we owe over $30,000 in income tax (he owed income tax prior to going bankrupt). How could he have accumulated that much in income tax in 9 months? It also said our net income was only $18,000, which was not at all what was indicated on his T4. Are we missing something? One of the main reasons he filed was because we couldn’t pay back the taxes.

    1. Ted Michalos

      You need to contact his trustees to review the returns and see what has happened. CRA isn’t operating as “usual” right now – we’re seeing more mistakes than usual simply because CRA’s systems weren’t designed to work from home.

  40. Doug


    What happens if the trustee makes an error when filing a pre/post bankruptcy tax return and claims too big a refund. If CRA realize this at a later date who is on the hook for paying the difference back to CRA? Is it the debtor, the estate or the trustee?

    1. Ted Michalos

      If the money is still in the estate then estate. If the estate has been closed then it will depend on the nature of the error. If the trustee made a mistake they’ll likely repay CRA. If the “mistake” was a result of failing to provide complete/accurate information to the trustee then likely the bankrupt will have to pay it. Normally trustees have their clients review their tax returns before they submit them to CRA in order to catch “mistakes”, but they can happen.

  41. N V

    Hi, I filed for bankruptcy in July 2019 and ended March 2020. Both pre and post bankruptcy returns were filed by my Trustee for 2019. I filed my taxes using Turbo Tax as I previously discussed this with my Trustee. I was assessed by CRA , and exactly like Turbo Tax, a refund of $1248 for 2020. In the assessment they say they are holding my refund along with previous 2019 refund of $2750 for a total of around $4000. So my question after reading some of this 2019 goes to the Trustee and the 2020 I should be getting? How long is the CRA going to hold my refund(s)? The 2019 I assumed CRA would keep towards previous years owing. Just wondering what I should do.

    1. Ted Michalos

      Your 2019 POST refund will be sent to your trustee for the benefit of your creditors. Your 2020 refund should be sent to you. It may be that your bankruptcy has not been completed yet. Your discharge is the first step of a process. You may want to contact your trustee to see what the hold up is (as it doesn’t usually take a year and a half to close a file after someone’s discharge…). Just saying, there may be something else going on.

  42. Nelson

    The Trustee sent me discharge certificate that I was discharged April 17, 2021. The CRA assessment still shows that they are holding both years refunds. Is it a simple matter of contacting CRA or my Trustee?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Nelson. I would start with your trustee, since they will be familiar with your file, and they can advise you as to whether or not they have filed all necessary paperwork to close your file.

  43. Liz

    A friend of mine filed bankruptcy over 2 years ago was approved for a disability tax certificate for prior years which the trustee received about 15k my friend is saying that the trustee says he still owes $800. How can this be he is on a disability with limited income and cannot afford the extra $800.

    1. Ted Michalos

      The tax refunds are not related to whatever payment agreement your friend made when they filed for bankruptcy. Presumably when your friend filed they agreed to a payment amount based on their situation and income. Without a great deal more information I cannot assess whether what was agreed to was fair (made sense). Sorry.

  44. AJ

    Hello, If a bankruptcy was discharged in Feb 2020 and my taxes from 2016 to present get reassessed because of a DTC, who gets the refund?

    1. Ted Michalos

      The refunds for the period up to the date of your bankruptcy will be sent to your trustee to distribute to your creditors. The refunds that relate to the period after you filed should be sent to you. Makes sense – if you had received the refunds earlier you may have used them to either pay down your debt or instead of incurring debt in the first place…

  45. Debbie R.

    My ex husband filed bankruptcy in 2020. I have a federal interception for spousal support he still owes me. Will the trustee receive all of his tax refunds or will I get any.

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Debbie. Court-ordered spousal support arrears are not dischargeable in a bankruptcy, so the debt for support remains, and therefore you should continue to receive it. However, administratively, it will depend on whether or not CRA’s records are up to date, as once they are notified of the bankruptcy they may inadvertently switch the refund payments to the trustee. I suggest you contact the trustee for further direction, and if necessary contact CRA to confirm that you continue to receive what you are owed.

  46. Nina

    I am going to apply for bankruptcy I handed in my application but haven’t signed the papers yet…

    My question is I also applied for my son disability tax credit it’s in the process right now to see if he gets approved… Would my trustee get his tax credit or wait to sign until I get an answer from CRA

    1. Ted Michalos

      IF approved for the credit retro-actively any refunds that are generated for prior years will be sent to your trustee for the benefit of your creditors if you have already filed for bankruptcy.

  47. Lisa

    What happens to carry forward tuition amount after bankruptcy is done? Last year a trustee filed my taxes. I see that carry forward amount we’re applied to the pre-bankruptcy return. I know that they can’t be applied to post bankruptcy returns. Do those credits carry forward or are they lost I had both provincial and federal amounts.

  48. Mia Maillet

    Hello and thank you for your help,

    I filed for Bankruptcy in March 2019. My monthly payments were in the 400/month range for 21 months. My trustee has kept my 2017 (appro $1800) return and the 2019 (appro $300) return. In January 2020 my trustee reduced the payments to 195/month. When the Discharge date came in December 2020, they claimed I owe them over 3000. My question is does the refund not for towards what I pay the trustee for the bankruptcy? Will they keep my 2020 and 2021 refund as well if there is a refund? Can a trustee be audited? The reduction in monthly payments doesn’t seem to be accurate if I still owe them over 3000.

    1. Ted Michalos

      There are a couple of different pieces to your post. Let’s deal with the tax refunds first. Your creditors are entitled to the refund for the year you file and any prior years (even after you are discharged). That means if you filed in 2020 then your 2020 refund (received in the spring of 2021), plus any previous year’s refunds will go to your trustee for your creditors. These amounts do NOT get applied to any surplus income payment you may be required to make.

      In regards to the monthly payments based on your income changed a lot during the 21 months, or someone made a mistake when they estimated your payments. It is all based on math – the government says you are allowed X and you are required to pay 50% of any amount over X that comes in. Your trustee should be able to show you the calculations – it is a simple spreadsheet.

      In regards to being audited, trustee’s are reviewed every year by the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy. That’s the government agencies that licenses trustees. In addition, ever file is subject to government approval of the accounting before the trustee gets paid. Normally it is done by a computer program, but you have the right to ask for a detailed review of your file if you’d like one. Contact the Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy if you’d like them to do a detailed review.

  49. AJ

    My common law was approved for the Disability Tax Credit for the year 2017-2019 he has terminal brain cancer, I filed bankruptcy January 2022, will the Disability tax credit return be taken if I’m the one who has to claim it for the year 2017? It took awhile to process as he had to get approval again 2021

    1. Ted Michalos

      Any refunds for the year 2022 and all prior years that you may be entitled to as a bankrupt will be paid to your trustee for the benefit of your unsecured creditors.

  50. Serenity

    My husband and I are looking into bankruptcy for him but we are confused by the tax returns, if he files now (October 2022) will they take 2021 tax return and want us to pay them out of pocket what we got back last year? Or will they take our 2022 taxes and just keep our entire refund from that and then we keep our refund for 2023?

    1. J. Douglas Hoyes Post author

      Hi Serenity. When you file bankruptcy, you lose any prior year’s tax refunds you have not yet received, plus the current year. So if your husband already received his 2021 tax refund he does not lose it. He will lose his tax refund for 2022 (which the trustee will file in the spring).

  51. Chandra

    Hi there, I am filing my tax return and I need to include my husbands income for the tax year and vise versa but….because he is in bankruptcy do I calculate his Pre-Bankruptcy income and Post-Bankruptcy income together to get a total to input on my return.

    Thanks for your help

  52. Robert

    Of you declair bankruptcy for 2021 and get a discharge in 2021 .
    Then in 2022 apply and get excepted for a disability tax credit . Then get reasessed for the year of the 2021 bankruptcy taxes and get a refund . Who gets the taxes from it ?

    And question #2
    If Then you apply for a disability tax credit for previous years before bankruptcy so , 2016to 2020 amd are awarded thousands as a reasessed refund who gets that money?

    Thank you for ansering this question

    1. Ted Michalos

      2021 and any prior year refunds will be sent to your trustee for the benefit of your creditors no matter when you apply for the benefit. Save your self some money and let your trustee know which years your are now eligible to claim the deduction and they will do the work, rather than you paying someone to do it.

      Think of it this way – if you had claimed the credit in each of those year you may have used it to reduce (or not incur) as much debt. That’s why it goes to your creditors.

  53. Geraldine

    Hi, I was recently approved for the DTC, if my daughter claims me as a dependent will she be able to get the refund or would it still be sent to the trustee for the pre bankruptcy years ? Thank-you!

    1. Ted Michalos

      Any refunds for the year you file bankruptcy and all prior years will be sent to your trustee for the benefit of your unsecured creditors. Not sure how your daughter could claim you as a dependent now, after the fact…

  54. Katie

    Hi there I was hoping you could answer my question.
    I was discharge from bankruptcy in Aug 2019. I just got approved to claim the child disability tax credit and child disability credit for my son. I know CRA gives any refund to the trustee on and prior to the bankruptcy. So my question is, As my son is approved going back to 2013 (but can only claim 10, so 2013) When my trustee adjusts all the returns (2013-2019) and the retroactive payment goes to them. Will we get the difference? Also will this make It so my bankruptcy will start from scratch on my credit report? I heard 7 – 10 years after the last active date It will fall off your credit. With them reopening my bankruptcy to get this figured out will that be considered newly active and be another 7-10 years after bankruptcy? Thank you in advance for your response:)


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